Pricing Scale per WAV Unit
1-249 $120.00
250-2499 $99.00
2500-4999 $95.00
5000-9999 $90.00
10,000+ Email for pricing
WAV Savings Calculator
Understanding the importance of data-drive outcomes and calculating your Return-on-Investment, we put together this calculator to help you evaluate the forecasted profitability. WAV is going to help you! This metric can then be applied to your specific situation...showing you the savings.
The Formula
When calculating your savings, we take into consideration industry averages (See "The Real Cost of Trucking – Per Mile Operating Cost of a Commercial Truck"); information from wind tunnel testing (conducted by our engineers at The Auto Research Center); and factors such as reduction in insurance and worker's compensation claims, OSHA fines, damaged products as related to the common workplace hazards that are addressed by diverting water away from loading zones.